Monday, 9 February 2015

A Reasonable Greeting


Here is an interesting fact I learnt this weekend: eating a lot of biryani with kebabs at 11 PM is not a good idea. It might provoke one to acts which he (or she, because I don't want to be called a sexist, although I may be one) would under normal circumstances avoid. This point was well illustrated to me this weekend when I returned home at 12 PM after a heavy dinner of biryani and kebab, and started a blog for no particular reason (because we don't have an excess of pointless things in this universe.)

Speaking of reasons, I wonder who came up with the idea that everything must have a reason. A declaration of any fact would immediately be followed, in most cases, with a question of 'why.' For example, upon being told that pumpkins have shadows, my mind asked, "why should they?" Interestingly, while agonizing over the fact of seeking for reasons in everything, I myself am demonstrating the point. I am asking the reason as to why there must be a reason to everything. But in all honesty, I have no issues with people seeking reasons to physical and social phenomena. The curiosity of humans has benefited us in many ways. The internet and Paracetamol being good examples.

What I do have an issue with, however, is being questioned 'why' I do whatever it is that I do. Be it singing in the middle of the road or having a conversation with myself (which is a very healthy practice that I encourage you all to follow), I should hardly be required to give reasons for my actions. Similarly, if an Indian student (God save his soul) should choose to pursue a career other than engineering or medicine, he should, I believe, be allowed to do so without being interrogated by every member of his family. Now that we agree, you shall not henceforth ask for reasons behind this blog; nor for any content written on it. Similarly, every person has the right to call the blog, or anything in it, a stinking piece of dog poop without being asked for reasons as to why he did so.

I thank you for reading (it must have hurt a lot!)
Until next time,
Sleep in peace (unless you have an exam tomorrow; in which case, go study.)

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